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Grade 6 Students Champion UN Global Goals

Middle School
Wyatt with his Global Goals Service project.

Once again, our Grade 6 students have designed action projects aimed at fulfilling one of the 17 United Nations Global Goals that were developed to build a greener, fairer and better world by 2030. In their IB MYP Individuals and Societies classes, the students learn about each of the goals and then decide which one they will focus on and explore more deeply. 

Grade 6 student Wyatt was on a mission driven by the desire to combat Global Goal #2, No Hunger. Drawing from his entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness, he devised a plan to raise funds for the Mustard Seed by selling a variety of goods, from 3D printed toys to freshly baked cookies. 

“I raised around $380,” said Wyatt. “I did a stand one day and then over the span of two months or so, I set up a business online, so basically I’d get requests for 3D items and they would pick it up or I would send it to them. The stand ended up making $83 and the online business made the rest.”

Through his initiative, Wyatt saw the tangible impact of his actions and plans to continue making a difference in the world. “I think I will be inspired to help more throughout my life because I’m not too afraid to start it, because now I know what to do, where to do it and how to do it. It’s quite easy and fun actually.”

Brooklyn, passionate about ending period poverty, chose a service project close to her heart. Her mission was to collect menstrual products for those in need. She reached out to friends and their parents, explaining the circumstances faced by women experiencing homelessness in Victoria who lack access to these essential items.

This service in action tackled Global Goal #3, Good Health. “What I did was collect new menstrual products to deliver and donate them to the Sandy Merriman House, a homeless shelter downtown. They house 25 homeless women and give them support because most of them struggle with mental health issues.”

“I collected the products from friends and their moms,” said Brooklyn. “Most women experiencing homelessness don’t have enough money to buy menstrual products, which I think is horrible because it’s a necessity.”

Her efforts received support beyond her expectations as she received a lot of donations. She documented her journey and put together thank you cards for her donors.

“I think this issue is really important because we are often told to hide this part of our lives but it is natural and we should know more about it.”

Brooklyn and Wyatt are just two of many examples of compassion and action at GNS. Through their service projects, the Grade 6 classes have contributed to the greater good and left a lasting impression on the community.