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Tuition & Other Costs

A GNS education is intended, and designed, to open the universe of possibilities to every student and to ignite their passion for their own unique futures.

gns brand on uniform

When you join Glenlyon Norfolk School, you are investing in your child’s future, allowing them to realize their potential and create positive differences in the world. We are confident this choice is among the most valuable decisions you will ever make and we are committed to ensuring your choice is validated and exceeded each and every day.

Tuition Fees 2024/2025

Fee Status Grade Level Tuition Amount Payment Plan
BC Resident: Day Student
Junior Kindergarten 3 $10,975 10 payments
Junior Kindergarten 4 $24,470 10 payments
Junior School $26,830 10 payments
Middle School $28,385 10 payments
Senior School $29,795 10 payments
Canadian Out-of-province: Day Student
Junior School $32,195 2 payments
Middle School $33,750 2 payments
Senior School $35,160 2 payments
International: Day Student
Junior School $41,070
Middle School $42,625
Senior School $44,035
BC Resident: Family Boarding Grades 8 to 12 $48,475 10 payments
Canadian Out-of-province: Family Boarding Grades 8 to 12 $53,835 2 payments
International: Family Boarding Grades 8 to 12 $61,070
BC Resident: Gryphon House Senior School $64,640 10 payments
Canadian Out-of-province: Gryphon House Senior School $67,835 2 payments
International: Gryphon House Senior School $82,575
  • Additional fees are charged on a grade by grade basis for items such as technology supplies, curriculum-based field trips, grade camps, etc.
  • Invoices are sent to families on May 2, or 7 to 10 days after acceptance of an offer subsequent to May 2.
  • Payment plans will be subject to an additional financing charge, as outlined in the tuition invoices sent to families prior to the start of the school year.
  • Tuition and other fees are approved by the Board of Governors on an annual basis. Updated fee information is published each February. Generally, families can expect an increase approximately equivalent to 4 to 8%.

Other Information

The above tuition fees payable are dependent on the school receiving the per student Provincial Independent School grant from the Ministry of Education for each qualifying student. For funding purposes, a ‘qualifying student’ is a school-age person who attends the school for at least 600 hours in the school year between July 1 and May 15 and whose parent or guardian is a permanent resident of BC and is 1) a Canadian citizen, or 2) holds landed immigrant status, or 3) holds a work or study permit that is valid for at least 1 year from the first day of school. In subsequent years of enrollment, this permit must remain active in order to receive the BC Government Grant.

In the event that the student does not qualify for the Independent School grant from the Ministry of Education, an amount equal to the grant loss (up to approximately $3800) becomes the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian.

Receipt of the per student Provincial Independent School grant from the Ministry of Education is essential to the ongoing operations of the school. While we have no reason to question the continuation of the operating grant at this time, should the operating grant be reduced, GNS will have to take into consideration the effect of the reduction on its operations and fee structure.

The funding eligibility guidelines can be found here, and any changes to or regulations surrounding this government policy will supersede any GNS policy as it relates to fee status and BC government funding eligibility.

These criteria are also used to establish eligibility for GNS Canadian Resident Fees.

In order for families to prove BC residency status, we require the following to be submitted at the time of enrolment:

Primary Documentation (at least ONE of the following):

  • Proof of BC Medical Services Plan (BC MSP) coverage for parent/guardian
  • Other Provincial government-issued ID (BC Driver’s license)

Secondary documentation (at least TWO of the following):

  • Document indicating British Columbia residence (i.e., utility bill)
  • Proof of ownership of a dwelling or a long-term lease or rental of a dwelling in British Columbia;
  • Provincial Driver’s License (only if not used above)
  • A current income tax return filed as a BC resident
  • Provincial registration of an automobile

Sibling Discount: The school has a progressive sibling discount: the eldest child currently enrolled incurs full fees; the second child currently enrolled is entitled to a 5% tuition fee reduction; the third and any other children currently enrolled are entitled to a 10% tuition fee reduction in fees.

Application Fee: Due at the time of application: $250 non-refundable Application Fee

Registration Fees & Deposits: The registration fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee billed to each new student, paid at the time of accepting the admissions offer. For all new Family Boarding and Gryphon House boarding students, a portion of the tuition fee is also collected at the time of registration. The deposit as listed in the table below represents a non-refundable payment, effective the date the payment is made.

Fee Status Application Fee Registration Fee + Tuition Deposit
Junior School – Day $250 $3,000
Middle & Senior School – Day $250 $2,500
Middle & Senior School – Boarding $250 $15,000 (includes $2,500 registration fee + $12,500 tuition deposit)

Returning Student Deposit Amounts: Current students returning for the subsequent school year are required to pay a non-refundable re-enrolment deposit in February to secure their space for the upcoming school year. The deposit amount for 2024/2025 is $2,000 for day students and $15,000 for all boarding students and is due by February 9, 2024. This deposit is non-refundable and will not be applied to any previous outstanding balances.

Grade 12 IB Diploma Exam Registration Fees: The costs associated with writing Diploma exams vary depending on the number of subjects taken. These costs are charged directly from the IB Organization and are in addition to tuition fees. Exam fees for 6 subjects are approximately $1,200 and are billed directly to families in November each year.

IB Diploma exam registration fees may be eligible for an income tax deduction for higher-level courses as they are considered to be at a Post-Secondary School level. GNS will provide income tax receipts accordingly at the start of each calendar year.

Contingency Deposit: A $3,000 contingency fee deposit is charged to all new Family Boarding and Gryphon House boarding students which is used to cover the cost of school uniform items, co-curricular activities, optional trips, and any unforeseen expenses. Additional funds may be required throughout the year, depending on your child’s level of participation in co-curricular activities. Any amount of the deposit not used will be refunded at the end of the school year or retained for the following school year. Upon completion of their time at GNS, the remaining balance of the Contingency Fund will be refunded to the Home Parents within a month of the student’s account being settled with GNS and all extra fees accounted for. This deposit will appear on tuition statements sent to families in the springtime.

English Language Acquisition (ELA): For most students joining GNS whose first language is not English, we will provide further instruction in English as their second language alongside our full GNS curriculum. This will be done in dedicated teaching areas, taught by fully qualified specialists in this field. Class sizes are smaller than standard classes, which will meet at least six times every timetabled ‘cycle’ in the same way as a French, Mandarin or Spanish class. Teachers will lead their students through a full English Acquisition curriculum, and students will be assessed frequently and their progress reported formally in report cards, as is the case in all other subject areas. As part of the application process, international students will have their English language levels assessed to determine whether they will be registered in the ELA program. The cost for the ELA program is $4,500 each year. Private tutoring is also available for an additional charge.

HeadStart Program: The HeadStart Program introduces life at Glenlyon Norfolk School to new boarding students. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the school’s culture, the International Baccalaureate program and what to expect as the newest members of our unique and vibrant community.
For five days, students are fully immersed in the GNS community, surrounded by current teachers, parents and students who will warmly welcome them to our Pemberton Woods Campus. By beginning their immersion into Canadian life before the school year begins, students are better equipped to handle the transition to succeed at GNS, both academically and socially, when their peers join them for classes.

The fee for the GNS HeadStart Program is $1,500, which includes all instruction, activities, transportation and accommodation. HeadStart is mandatory for all boarding students who are new to the GNS Family Boarding and Gryphon House programs.

Family Boarding Dietary Fee: Family Boarding students who require specific dietary accommodations from their host family, such as gluten free/celiac, vegan, etc., will be billed an additional fee of $150 per month to account for increased costs to the host family.

Health Insurance for Boarding Students: All students registered in the GNS Family Boarding and Gryphon House programs will be registered with health insurance through the school, which is arranged by school administration. Families will be billed based on the following, which is in line with requirements from the BC Ministry of Health. These fees cover a 10-month period from September to June. Students who are attending GNS for more than one year may incur additional billing during the summer months when the BC MSP insurance cannot be cancelled or paused.

Status Annual Fee What is included?
International passport holders $1,350 insurance coverage for 10 months + BC MSP
Dual citizens (Canada + one other citizenship) $500 insurance coverage for 10 months + BC MSP
Canadian Citizens and PR Card Holders $150 coverage for the first 3 months + BC MSP

Uniforms: Required school uniform items must be purchased on campus at the school store. Uniform expenses are approximately $400 to $800.

Senior School Laptop: Students in Grades 9 to 12 are expected to bring their own laptops to school each day. It is strongly recommended that families participate in the GNS laptop subscription program, which includes all required software and support at competitive rates.

Middle School Chromebooks: Students in Grades 6 to 8 are expected to bring their own Chromebooks to school each day. It is strongly recommended that families participate in the GNS Chromebook subscription program, which includes all required software and support at competitive rates.

After School Care: After School Care is available throughout the school year from 3:20 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday for students in Kindergarten and older at the Junior School. After School Care for Junior Kindergarten students is offered from 3:20 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on school days as well. The cost for After School Care is $24.50 per day for 2024/2025.

Your financial obligation to the school is for the full annual tuition and any associated boarding fees as stated in the Enrolment Contract. Refund amounts are calculated on the full annual tuition and fees, net of any financial assistance. In the event of withdrawal from the school (voluntary or requested), only a portion of the unused cost of tuition and boarding fees will be refunded as follows:

Date of Withdrawal from GNS Percentage of Refund Given
June 1 to August 31 50% of all tuition and boarding fees net of any financial assistance
September 1 onward No refund provided

The school, at its discretion, may consider a refund (not to exceed 50% of the annual unused portion of tuition net of financial aid) for students who have withdrawn for documented medical reasons (a physician’s note may be requested to substantiate the need to withdraw). The deposit and registration fees paid at the time of enrolment are non-refundable and this Tuition Refund Policy does not apply to those amounts.

Should a student be dismissed from GNS, refunds (if any) will be provided in accordance with the tuition refund plan policy. Parents are still responsible for unpaid tuition if students are dismissed and families are on a payment plan.

Please note that amounts owing in excess of the tuition refund will be due and payable immediately upon withdrawal from the school.

To maintain a positive partnership with families, it is expected that posted deadlines for tuition and other payments will be followed. Families who find themselves in a position where they are unable to make a payment must contact the Finance Department as soon as possible to determine other possible arrangements. Payment plans are available for Canadian families and incur a 4% finance charge on the amount financed.

Families that fall behind on payments without communication with and approval from our Finance Department will incur a $200 late payment penalty. Payments that are delinquent by more than 60 days may result in a student’s immediate withdrawal from GNS and will also prevent re-enrolment for the following school year. Should a student be dismissed from GNS, refunds (if any) will be provided in accordance with the tuition refund plan policy. Parents are still responsible for unpaid tuition if students are dismissed and families are on a payment plan.

Fees are due for the year on May 26, 2024. Fees paid in full by May 26 will avoid a finance charge. If you have specific payment questions, please contact our finance team at GNS can accept the following payment methods:

  • Pre-authorized debit (Canadian financial institution)
  • E-transfer – using email
  • Canadian or US cash – limit of $500
  • Cheque or money order
  • Online banking at any major Canadian financial institution – student number is account number
  • Direct wire transfer
  • Credit card (plus a 3% administration fee)

Fundraising is an important and ongoing component of GNS. Funds to support developing programs and capital expansion come from donations and fundraising events. It is understood that Parents/Guardians of children enrolled in GNS become members of the GNS family ‘community,’ which is committed to the support of and participation in fundraising activities, without which we could not achieve the high standards we have set for the school.

GNS also thrives with volunteer assistance from Parents/Guardians and friends. For new parents to the school, a member of our Advancement Team will be in touch with you to explain the different ways families are involved in philanthropy at GNS.

students sitting under tree

Financial Assistance

GNS offers a need-based financial assistance program in the form of a GNS Bursary to new and returning families. The application for this GNS Bursary is completed through Apple Financial Services and is typically available starting in early December each year. For returning families, renewal applications must be submitted by January 1 each year in order to receive a decision in time for the re-enrolment process to open. New incoming families applying for a GNS Bursary are asked to submit the application at the same time they are completing their application for admission to GNS. The GNS Bursary must be reapplied for each year which allows the school to account for changes in the family’s financial situation. All information regarding this program and the awards received are kept strictly confidential.